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This is a freelance project for an interior design and architecture agency based in Seville.

L'Interior img
Key features:
  • Design:

    This project was designed and built by me in Figma using UX/UI concepts. Some icons were also designed.

  • Project Architecture:

    The modular architecture was selected for this project. This allows for better scalability and maintainability.

  • Responsive Design:

    The project was styled and made responsive for all devices using TailwindCSS.

  • Shadcn/UI Components:

    Shadcn/UI components such as buttons, carousel, accordion, and more were integrated.

  • Contact Form Integration:

    A user-friendly contact form with built-in validation was created and seamlessly integrated with React Hook Form, Zod schema, and Resend for streamlined email communication. Toaster notifications were added to improve user experience.

  • Image Lazy Loading and Blur Placeholder:

    With lazy loading, images were loaded only when in view. Additionally, a blur placeholder was implemented to provide a more engaging and visually appealing experience.

  • SEO:

    The project was optimized using Next SEO, ensuring high search engine visibility. JSON-LD was used for SEO meta tags, and all metadata (title, description, image, author, etc.) was added to improve search engine optimization.

  • Deployment:

    Finally, the project was deployed on Vercel. Additionally, a custom domain name was added.

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